Thursday, May 2, 2019

Review Joie Muze -- My Favorite Daily Stroller

Halo, Manis!

I feel so freaking guilty because I have been abandoning this blog since like, eons ago. My last blog post was posted on 2018, means that it has been a year that I am going on a hiatus here. Hiatus? who do you think you are, Lu?
Yeah. A lot of things happened in my life in such a short time. Things like marriage, becoming a wife, pregnancy, labour, and having kid are some examples. In just two years I had to adapt to a new society, new roles, and new life. And those are time consuming hence I haven't think of writing all this time.
But now since, hopefully, everything is handled, I think I can write again. And this time I'd like to share to you my experiences using my beloved stroller.
Since i am having baby Z, I have never thought of buying a stroller. My argument is that a baby grows so fast. So stroller is not being my priority. But that changed when a lot of people visited me after labor and gave me some presents (in Indonesia it is common to give presents whenever a baby is born) in this case the presents are in form of goods, and in form of money. I had no idea what to do with the money since it was quite a lot. And then my momma suggested me to buy a stroller. It would worth it she said.
So off I went to the baby shop and got confused because a lot of stroller varies in type and sizes were presented to me. But none caught my eyes. The stroller the shopkeeper showed me were either too heavy, or to skinny for my liking. But when I laid my eyes on Joie Muze, I instantly like it. Because come on, its Joie. I know Joie is a reputable brand and I have no doubts in its quality. So I said to my hubby, "Let's bring this home." Surprisingly we had similar opinion on the stroller. In the end, we bought it and were so happy because this is our first big purchase that is totally free.

Review on Joie Muze
Joie Muze is a daily stroller. Obviously, it is not categorized as a cabin size stroller since it is quite bulky when folded. The size of a folded Joie Muze is approximately in the same size as my 24 inch traveling case. It can hold up until baby is 15 kilos. It has two trays. A tray that was placed in the front, acted as bumper. Another one placed near the handle. Joie Muze has three color options to choose with. Mine was black. The other two colors are blue and red. I have no idea of what the frame is made of. But I am sure it is strong, durable, and heavy.

Joie Muze

Joie Muze has 5 point safety to keep your baby stay put on the stroller. The buckle, I can say, gives easy access as it is only needed one gently press to open it all. The safety is also adjustable as your baby grows.

As for the brakes, they are located on each of the back wheels. I can choose from either sides of brake hence the brake will simultaneously stop both wheels.

Brakes located on both wheel

On the front wheels, you can use a stopper (i don’t know what it is called). Just push it upwards and the wheels will be locked and not moving. It is not working unless you positioned the wheels to the front.


The seat on Joie Muze is not reversible. But it compensates with a peek a boo window. So I can still watch my baby even though I cannot face him.

Peek a boo window

Joie Muze is determined to give us military tent, because the canopy is top notch. It is huge and covers everything. It covers my baby’s head, to his toes. Super.

Comfort ability
Joie has prepped this stroller flexibility. I can change its seat position using one hand only. It can bend the seat up until 180° flat. So you can safely put your newborn baby into it.
The seat of Joie Muze, as I observed, is the most spacious amongst other stroller in its class. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the main reason why I chose Joie Muze is that it has wide seating size.

Spacious seat area. Age 2 months old. 5.8 kgs.

The padding itself is not the most tender. Otherwise, it is still comfortable to sit it. But i still buy a seat pad for the most comfort for my baby.

I add padding for most comfort for my baby. Age 1 month old. 4 kgs.
Joie Muze also provides a suspension on each wheel, so my child might not feel any turbulence when strolling through a harsh terrain.
It folds easily. All I can do is to buckle off the cecentil (what is that bent thing called?), then press the button inside. Push it forward, and then let the gravity do its job.

I have brought Joie Muze to various terrains on many occasions. For instance I brought my baby strolling around kampong, jogging, and window shopping at malls. I have to admit that Joie Muze is easy to maneuvers. The wheels glide on any surface smoothly. I hardly found any obstacle steering this stroller. Good Job, Joie!
Handsome boy strolling around the mall using Joie Muze. Age 1 year old, 12 kgs.

I have to admit that Joie Muze is quite bulky if you want to go travelling with this stroller. However, I still love this stroller. Joie Muze has spacious seating area, easy to fold, nice suspension, easy to maneuver, and a big canopy. Moreover, with a dollar tree price, Joie Muze might be a good option if you want to buy your baby a stroller.

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